PenPoint OS
Another innovative product sent to oblivion.

PenPoint Copy of a live install from Eric Fulton

GO Corporation PenPoint Publications:
Architectural reference, Volume 2.
User interface design reference.
Application writing guide. 1st Ed 92
Application writing guide. 2d Ed 93
Development Tools, Jun 92
API reference, Volume 1
API reference, Volume 2
The PenPoint Technical Papers
Using PenPoint 91
PenPoint Getting Started
Using the GO Computer / Connecting to a Personal Computer 90
Video: Introducing PenPoint (1991)

IBM Publication

GG24-3978-0 PenPoint OS Overview and Application Development Feb93
S41G-3122-00 ThinkPad Getting Started with PenPoint 
S41 G-3111-00 ThinkPad Using PenPoint 

PenPoint tablet pen computer by GO Corporation (DigiBarn Computer Museum)

Windows for Pen Computing
Programming Visual Basic for Pen Input Pen Computing #6
WinPen 2.0 - A Promising Secret Pen API in W95) Pen Computing #7 December 1995
Pen for OS/2 Update Pen Computing #8
Pen Services for Windows 95 Pen Computing #11

Annasoft Software
Pen Services/Extensions (through Internet Archive HERE)
Handwriting Input Using Pen Services for Windows 95 (through Internet Archive HERE)

Programmer's Guide to Pen Services for Microsoft Win95 ISBN-10: 1556158351
The Power of PenPoint, ISBN 0-201-57763-1
PenPoint Programming, ISBN 0-201-60833-2
WATCOM C Library Ref for PenPoint, ISBN 1-55094-035-X
WATCOM C Language Ref, ISBN 1-55094-033-3
WATCOM C/386 Optimizing Compiler and Tools, ISBN 1-55094-0 ISBN 1-55094-034-1

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