This has been for the longest time my machine of all-work and it does the job remarkably well. Has been run consistently under OS/2 Warp 4 and (despite my occasional attempts to do something incredibly stupid) has never TRAPed once. Under the ol' Intel 486/66 performance was pretty good - but did noticeably improve with the new AMD chip. Biggest improvements (of course) seemed to come by way of floating-point math: my SETI@home work unit processing time dropped & FP-intensive apps like TSPG became much more responsive. The XGA-2 card had much to do with that performance increase as well. . . and of itself was as impressive as the processor upgrade alone.
I realize that the later 77's - the Lacunas - are generally considered better bets with their L2 Caches, S3 video, IDE support and greater RAM expansion possibilities. But this 77 is an eminently capable of doing everything I've needed done. . .and then some. Now, there's a lot of folks out there that would be. . . not impressed by this machine. Frankly. . . I don't care, it answers my needs for a rugged dependable box. I don't see blue-screens-of-death, Unrecoverable-whatsit-exceptions, or have problems with the Registry (what registry?). Its a nice way to live:)
The kicker is I got this prize for US$25. . . Thank you IBM!
Sysbench 0.9.4e Condensed test results
Warp 4 'stock' Warp 4 'improved' Warp 3, for comparison
Aug 6 2000 Dec 27 2001 Nov 9 2001
Machine name IBM 9577-DNA PS/2 IBM 9577-DNA PS/2 IBM 9577-DNG PS/2
Motherboard Bermuda Bermuda Bermuda
Processor 80486DX 66Mhz AMD 5x86 133MHz step 4.14.4 Intel486DX2(TM) stepping 4.3.5
External cache 0kb 0kb 0kb
Graphics card IBM XGA-1 1MB IBM XGA-2 1MB IBM XGA-2 1MB
Coprocessor Yes Yes Yes
Processors 1 1 1
RAM 32.00 MB 32.00 MB 32.00 MB
Operating System data
OS/2 version 20.40 20.40 20.30
CSDLevel XR04000_ XR0M012_ XR0W040_
FIXLevel Unknown XR0M012_ XR0W040_
Revision number 9.023 9.036 8.264
Priority Dynamic Dynamic Dynamic
Maxwait 3 3 3
Timeslice (32,32) (32,32) (32,32)
Protectonly YES YES NO
Swap file size 20.00MB 30.00MB 2.00MB
...initially 20.00MB 30.00MB 2.00MB
Video data
Resolution 640x480x8 bits/pixel 640x480x8 bits/pixel 640x480x16 bits/pixel
Screen Access Direct Direct Direct
Bank Switched No No No
Bytes/scanline 640 640 1280
Aperture size 307200 307200 614400
PM-Graphics-marks 7.780 13.269 8.631
CPU integer-marks 27.841 33.862 28.152
CPU FP-marks 3.160 5.756 3.222
DIVE-marks 7.899 8.072 8.052
File I/O marks 1142.143 1132.358 1486.130
Memory-marks 30.518 41.695 31.014
Simultaneous I/O 2.438 2.720 2.535
Disk I/O marks C: 14.689 15.316 15.840
Disk I/O marks D: 8.941