DP(1m,C) AIX Commands Reference DP(1m,C) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- dp PURPOSE Parses and reformats dates. SYNTAX +--------------------+ +--------------+ /usr/lib/mh/dp ---| one of |---| |--- date ---| | +----------------+ | +- -width num -+ ^ | +-| -form file |-+ +--------+ | -format string | +----------------+ /usr/lib/mh/dp --- -help ---| Note: This command does not have MBCS support. DESCRIPTION The dp command is used to parse and reformat dates. The dp command is not designed to be run directly by the user; it is designed to be called by other programs. The dp command is typically called by its full path name. The dp command is part of the Message Handling (MH) package. The dp command parses each string specified as a date and attempts to reformat the string. The default output format for the command is the ARPA RFC822 standard. For each string it is unable to parse, the dp command displays an error message. FLAGS -form file Reformats the given dates into the alternate format described in file. -format string Reformats the given dates into the alternate format specified by string. The default format string is: %<(nodate{date})error:%{date}%|%(putstr(pretty{date}))%> Prints "error" if the date is not a parsable date, or prints a friendly rendering of the date. -help Displays help information for the command. Processed November 8, 1990 DP(1m,C) 1 DP(1m,C) AIX Commands Reference DP(1m,C) -width num Sets the maximum number of columns that the dp command uses to display dates and error messages. The default is the width of the display. FILES $HOME/.mh_profile The MH user profile. RELATED INFORMATION See the following command: "ap." See the mh-format and mh-profile files in AIX Operating System Technical Reference. "See Overview of the Message Handling Package" in Managing the AIX Operating System. Processed November 8, 1990 DP(1m,C) 2