CFGAPLY(3x,L) AIX Technical Reference CFGAPLY(3x,L) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- cfgaply PURPOSE Applies configuration information. LIBRARY Run-time Services Library (librts.a) SYNTAX #include int cfgaply (restart) int restart; DESCRIPTION The cfgaply subroutine rebuilds the AIX kernel by executing the newkernel command. The restart parameter indicates whether to restart the system after the subroutine completes. If restart is a nonzero value, the system is restarted after completion. RETURN VALUE If the restart parameter is nonzero, the system is restarted, and the cfgaply subroutine does not return. If restart is 0 and cfgaply completes successfully, it returns the value CFG_SUCC. If the cfgaply subroutine itself fails, then the following value is returned: CFG_AMKF The newkernel command failed. FILES /unix /unix.std /unix.last RELATED INFORMATION The config command in AIX Operating System Commands Reference. The newkernel command in Managing the AIX Operating System. Processed November 7, 1990 CFGAPLY(3x,L) 1