FLOOR(3m,L) AIX Technical Reference FLOOR(3m,L) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- floor, ceil, fmod, fabs, rint PURPOSE Computes floor, ceiling, remainder, and absolute value functions. LIBRARY Math Library (libm.a) SYNTAX #include double floor (x) double fmod (x, y) double x; double x, y; double ceil (x) double fabs (x) double x; double x; #include #include double rint (x) double x; DESCRIPTION The floor subroutine returns the largest integer (as a double) not greater than the x parameter. The ceil subroutine returns the smallest integer not less than the x parameter. The fmod subroutine returns the remainder of x / y. More precisely, this value is x if the y parameter is 0. Otherwise, it is the number f with the same sign as x such that x = iy + f for some integer i, and |f| < |y|. The fabs subroutine returns the absolute value of x, |x|. The rint subroutine returns one of the two nearest floating point integers to x. Which integer is returned is determined by the current floating point rounding mode. Processed November 7, 1990 FLOOR(3m,L) 1 FLOOR(3m,L) AIX Technical Reference FLOOR(3m,L) If the current rounding mode is round toward -infinity, then rint(x) is identical to floor(x). If the current rounding mode is round toward +infinity, then rint(x) is identical to ceil(x). If the current rounding mode is round to nearest, then rint(x) rounds to the nearer of the two nearest floating point integers. If the current rounding mode is round toward zero, then rint(x) is equivalent to truncating the fractional bits of x. Note: The default floating point rounding mode is round towards zero. ERROR CONDITIONS The floor, ceil, fmod, and fabs subroutines fail if one or more of the following are true: EDOM The value of x is NaN. EDOM The argument y is zero or one of the arguments is NaN. ERANGE The result would cause an overflow. RELATED INFORMATION In this book: "abs." Processed November 7, 1990 FLOOR(3m,L) 2