GSBPLY(3g,L) AIX Technical Reference GSBPLY(3g,L) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- gsbply PURPOSE Defines the beginning of an area to fill. C SYNTAX int gsbply_ ( ) FORTRAN SYNTAX INTEGER function gsbply PASCAL SYNTAX FUNCTION gsbply_ : INTEGER [PUBLIC]; DESCRIPTION The gsbply subroutine defines the beginning of a two-dimensional shape or set of shapes to be filled. The following output routines are valid between a gsbply call and a gseply call: o Draw polyline (gspoly) o Draw circle (gscir) o Draw ellipse (gsell) o Draw circular arc (gscarc or gscrca) o Draw elliptical arc (gseara or gsearc) Note: Any other subroutines used before the gseply subroutine is called do not become part of the shape or set of shapes to be filled, and can produce unpredictable results. Before the fill occurs, the shapes drawn by each routine called between gsbply and gseply are connected. The first point of each shape is linked to the last point of the previous shape, and the last point of the last shape is linked to the first point of the first shape. The shapes may overlap to any degree but must share at least one common point between adjacent shapes. Processing of the SIGRETRACT signal is postponed until the gseply subroutine, end of area to fill, is called. The relevant attributes are: o Color map o Plane mask Processed November 7, 1990 GSBPLY(3g,L) 1 GSBPLY(3g,L) AIX Technical Reference GSBPLY(3g,L) o Fill color index o Fill style o Logical operation. RETURN VALUE GS_SUCC Successful. GS_USUC Unsuccessful. RELATED INFORMATION In this book: "gseply" and "gspcls." Processed November 7, 1990 GSBPLY(3g,L) 2