GSCATT(3g,L) AIX Technical Reference GSCATT(3g,L) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- gscatt PURPOSE Sets the attributes of the single-color cursor. C SYNTAX int gscatt_ (color, width, height, pattern, 0x, 0y) int *color, *width, *height, *pattern, *0x, *0y; FORTRAN SYNTAX INTEGER function gscatt (color, width, height, pattern, 0x, 0y) INTEGER color, width, height, pattern, 0x, 0y PASCAL SYNTAX FUNCTION gscatt_ ( VAR color, width, height: INTEGER; pattern: ARRAY [1..k] of INTEGER; 0x, 0y: INTEGER ): INTEGER [PUBLIC]; DESCRIPTION The gscatt subroutine defines the single-color cursor for the GSL. The gscmap subroutine must initialize the color map before gscatt can be called. Only one cursor, either the single-color cursor or the multicolor cursor, can be active in the GSL at any one time. The gscatt subroutine forces all subsequent calls to the gsmcur and gsecur subroutines to operate on the single-color version of the cursor. To change from the multicolor cursor to the single-color cursor, erase the cursor with gsecur, then call the gscatt subroutine. Parameters color Refers to an entry in the color map. If the index value is -1, the attribute is unchanged. width, height Define, in pixels, the width and height of the bit pattern to be used as the cursor. If width or height equals -1, then the pattern remains unchanged. Processed November 7, 1990 GSCATT(3g,L) 1 GSCATT(3g,L) AIX Technical Reference GSCATT(3g,L) pattern Defines the image used as a cursor. The ceiling (width/32) indicates the number of words per row and height indicates the number of rows. The cursor data must be supplied in row (scan line) major order. If width implies partial use of a word, the rest of the word is unused. To fully define the cursor pattern, pattern should be (ceiling*height) words in length. 0x, 0y Indicate the origin of the cursor relative to the lower leftmost corner (0, 0) of the cursor pattern. The origin must be placed within the cursor pattern: 0x < width and 0y < height. The origin of the cursor is placed at the position indicated, when the application moves the cursor using the gsmcur subroutine. If x equals -1, then the origin remains unchanged. The maximum size of the cursor is device dependent and can be determined by using the gsqdsp subroutine. You cannot change the cursor attributes while the cursor is visible. There is no default cursor defined, so all cursor parameters must be set before the cursor is displayed. For Pascal, the application must declare the array passed as being fixed length and declare the routine as accepting arrays of that length. The k in the routine declaration must be a constant. RETURN VALUE GS_SUCC Successful. GS_COLI Invalid color index. GS_CURS Cursor size invalid. GS_CURO Cursor origin invalid. GS_CURV Cursor visible. RELATED INFORMATION In this book: "gsecur," "gsmcat," and "gsmcur." Processed November 7, 1990 GSCATT(3g,L) 2