GSEVEN(3g,L) AIX Technical Reference GSEVEN(3g,L) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- gseven PURPOSE Enables the reporting of events. C SYNTAX int gseven_ (event) int *event; FORTRAN SYNTAX INTEGER function gseven (event) INTEGER event PASCAL SYNTAX FUNCTION gseven_ ( VAR event: INTEGER ): INTEGER [PUBLIC]; DESCRIPTION The gseven subroutine enables the reporting of events of a given type. If the device producing the event is enabled, then gseven lets it put data into the ring buffer. If the event type is not recognized, no action is taken. A valid input ring must be defined during the GSL initialization. Parameters event The recognized events on the PS/2 are as follows: 1 Keystroke 3 Locator movement or button After GSL initialization, only the keyboard is enabled. If the application wishes the other input devices enabled, it must explicitly enable them with this command. RETURN VALUE GS_SUCC Successful. GS_EVNT Invalid event type. GS_UNSC Unsuccessful. Processed November 7, 1990 GSEVEN(3g,L) 1 GSEVEN(3g,L) AIX Technical Reference GSEVEN(3g,L) Processed November 7, 1990 GSEVEN(3g,L) 2