GSLOP(3g,L) AIX Technical Reference GSLOP(3g,L) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- gslop PURPOSE Specifies the logical operation used when drawing lines. C SYNTAX int gslop_ (operation) int *operation; FORTRAN SYNTAX INTEGER function gslop (operation) INTEGER operation PASCAL SYNTAX FUNCTION gslop_ ( VAR operation INTEGER; ): INTEGER [PUBLIC]; DESCRIPTION The gslop subroutine specifies the logical operation used for drawing the GSL line-oriented, fill, save/restore, and polymarker primitives. It does not apply to the text primitives. Parameters operation Indicates the logical operation to perform between the primitive being drawn and the current contents of the frame buffer. In the following table, please note: o The source pixels represent bits of data to be merged in some way with the corresponding bits of data in the destination rectangle. o The first three columns of the table specify the operations you can perform, and the Code column contains the corresponding value you should specify for the operation parameter. o A ~ (tilde) represents the logical INVERSE. Processed November 7, 1990 GSLOP(3g,L) 1 GSLOP(3g,L) AIX Technical Reference GSLOP(3g,L) Type of Logical Type of Code Source Operation Destination Destination clear 0 Set Destination 15 No operation Destination 5 ~Destination 10 Source REPLACE Destination 3 Source AND Destination 1 Source AND ~Destination 2 Source Exclusive-or Destination 6 Source OR Destination 7 Source OR ~Destination 11 ~Source REPLACE Destination 12 ~Source AND Destination 4 ~Source AND ~Destination 8 ~Source Exclusive-or Destination 9 ~Source OR Destination 13 ~Source OR ~Destination 14 Replace (3) is the default logical operation. Only REPLACE, AND, OR, and Exclusive-or (codes 3, 1, 7, and 6, respectively), are supported for VGA displays. For printers, the operations performed are the same as those for displays, except that a value of 0 turns the color off, and a value of 15 changes the color to white. For plotters, the default and only valid logical operation is logical OR. The plotters interpret this as an overstrike. The GSL performs each of the boolean operations for each bit of the source and destination color values enabled by the plane mask. The destination receives the color value that results from the operation. The logical operations are performed on the color index rather than the color itself. This can cause some operations on color displays to produce results that are not expected. RETURN VALUE GS_SUCC Successful. GS_LONS Logical operation not supported. Processed November 7, 1990 GSLOP(3g,L) 2