GSMATT(3g,L) AIX Technical Reference GSMATT(3g,L) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- gsmatt PURPOSE Sets the polymarker attribute. C SYNTAX int gsmatt_ (color, style, width, height, pattern, 0x, 0y) int *color, *style, *width, *height, *pattern, *0x, *0y; FORTRAN SYNTAX INTEGER function gsmatt (color, style, width, height, pattern, 0x, 0y) INTEGER color, style, width, height, pattern, 0x, 0y PASCAL SYNTAX FUNCTION gsmatt_ ( VAR color, style, width, height: INTEGER; pattern: ARRAY [1..k] of INTEGER; 0x, 0y: INTEGER ): INTEGER [PUBLIC]; DESCRIPTION The gsmatt subroutine defines the marker for the GSL. Parameters color Refers to a marker color entry in the color map. If it is -1, the attribute is unchanged. The default value for color is "7", white. style Defines the polymarker style as one of the following: Processed November 7, 1990 GSMATT(3g,L) 1 GSMATT(3g,L) AIX Technical Reference GSMATT(3g,L) Value Display Printer or Plotter -1 No change No Change 0 User-defined (by Not available width, height, pattern, 0x, 0y) 1 Dot (filled circle) Point 2 Plus (+) Plus (+) 3 Asterisk (*) Asterisk (*) 4 Circular shape Square shape 5 Cross (*) Cross (*) 6 Unfilled box Diamond width, height Define in pixels the width and the height of the bit pattern to be used as the marker. If width or height equals -1, then the pattern remains unchanged. pattern Defines the image used as a marker. The ceiling of (width / 32) indicates the number of words per row and height indicates the number of rows. The marker data must be supplied in row (scan line) major order. If width implies partial use of a word, the rest of the word is unused. To fully define the marker pattern, pattern should be (ceiling * height) words in length. 0x, 0y Indicate the coordinates of the origin of the marker relative to the lower leftmost corner (0, 0) of the marker pattern. The origin must be placed inside the marker pattern, so that 0x < width and 0y < height. The origin of the marker is placed at the position indicated when the application places a marker with the gsplym subroutine. (See "gsplym.") If 0x equals -1, then the origin remains unchanged. The maximum size of the marker is device dependent. It equals the height and width of the display, which may be determined by calling the gsqdsp subroutine. Note: The GSL subroutines do not make a copy of a user-defined polymarker. Changes or reuse of the storage where a user-defined shape is in use can cause unpredictable results. For Pascal, the application must declare the arrays passed as being fixed length and declare the routine as accepting arrays of that length. The k in the routine declaration must be a constant. RETURN VALUE GS_SUCC Successful. GS_COLI Invalid color index. GS_PMSZ Marker size invalid. GS_PMOR Marker origin invalid. GS_PMSY Marker style invalid. Processed November 7, 1990 GSMATT(3g,L) 2 GSMATT(3g,L) AIX Technical Reference GSMATT(3g,L) RELATED INFORMATION In this book: "gsplym." Processed November 7, 1990 GSMATT(3g,L) 3