GSQLOC(3g,L) AIX Technical Reference GSQLOC(3g,L) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- gsqloc PURPOSE Returns information about the locator. C SYNTAX void gsqloc_ (loc_type, x_res, y_res, hg, vg) int *loc_type, *x_res, *y_res, *hg, *vg; FORTRAN SYNTAX subroutine gsqloc (loc_type, x_res, y_res, hg, vg) INTEGER loc_type, x_res, y_res, hg, vg PASCAL SYNTAX PROCEDURE gsqloc_ ( VAR loc_type, x_res, y_res, hg, vg: INTEGER ): INTEGER [PUBLIC]; DESCRIPTION The gsqloc subroutine returns the type of the locator, the resolution of the device, and the current setting of the relative device thresholds or the absolute device dead zone values. Parameters loc_type Indicates the type of locator. If the most significant bit of loc_type is 0, the locator is a mouse. When the locator is a mouse, the setting of the following bits is ignored. When the most significant bit is 1, the locator type is a tablet. For a tablet, the next most significant 2 bits are: 00 Sensor type is undefined or no sensor is attached. 01 A stylus is attached. 10 A four-button puck is attached. x_res, y_res Indicate the horizontal and vertical resolution of the device in millimeters per 100 counts. Processed November 7, 1990 GSQLOC(3g,L) 1 GSQLOC(3g,L) AIX Technical Reference GSQLOC(3g,L) hg, vg Define the horizontal and vertical values for the locator threshold or dead zone in units of 0.25 millimeters. An attempt to get the locator attributes can fail for a variety of reasons, the most likely of which is that the device is not attached. The nature of the problem can be found via a specific ioctl to the virtual terminal. (See "hft" for more information.) RETURN VALUE GS_SUCC Successful. GS_USUS Unsuccessful. RELATED INFORMATION In this book: "hft" and "gslcat." Processed November 7, 1990 GSQLOC(3g,L) 2