GSTEXT(3g,L) AIX Technical Reference GSTEXT(3g,L) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- gstext PURPOSE Writes annotated text. C SYNTAX int gstext_ (x, y, number, text) int *x, *y, *number; char *text; FORTRAN SYNTAX INTEGER function gstext (x, y, number, text) INTEGER x, y, number CHARACTER*n text PASCAL SYNTAX FUNCTION gstext_ ( VAR x, y, number: INTEGER; VAR text: ARRAY [1..k] of CHAR ): INTEGER [PUBLIC]; DESCRIPTION The gstext subroutine writes the number of characters indicated by the parameters, starting at the specified baseline position and according to the relevant attributes. This subroutine is to be used only with annotated text. The relevant attributes are: o Color map o Plane mask o Font o Code page o Baseline direction o Text color index. Parameters x, y Define the baseline position for writing the text. number Indicates the number of bytes to write from the text string. Processed November 7, 1990 GSTEXT(3g,L) 1 GSTEXT(3g,L) AIX Technical Reference GSTEXT(3g,L) text Contains the ASCII codes for the characters to write, as an array. The graphics written to the frame buffer are determined by the 8-bit ASCII codes in the input data and the code page attribute. The ASCII control codes in between are ignored except the following: 1F, 1E, 1D, and 1C (hexadecimal). These control codes cause a shift to a predefined code page for the next ASCII character only. The code page definitions are: 1F Bottom half of code page 1 1E Top half of code page 1 1D Bottom half of code page 2 1C Top half of code page 2. For any ASCII value between 0 and 31 (decimal), no graphic is written. For any other ASCII value and code page combination that does not result in a valid graphic, a dash is written. For Pascal, the application must declare the array passed as being fixed length and declare the routine as accepting an array of that length; the k in the routine declaration must be a constant. RETURN VALUE GS_SUCC Successful. GS_CORD Invalid coordinate. GS_FBUF Frame buffer overflow. GS_INAC Virtual terminal inactive. Processed November 7, 1990 GSTEXT(3g,L) 2