GSXCNV(3g,L) AIX Technical Reference GSXCNV(3g,L) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- gsxcnv PURPOSE Converts pixel map data organization. C SYNTAX int gsxcnv_ (inppix, outpix) int *inppix, *outpix; FORTRAN SYNTAX INTEGER function gsxcnv (inppix, outpix) INTEGER inppix(*), outpix(*) PASCAL SYNTAX FUNCTION gsxcnv_ ( VAR inppix, outpix: INTEGER ): INTEGER [PUBLIC]; DESCRIPTION The gsxcnv subroutine converts pixel map data to and from planes. That is, gsxcnv converts XY form to and from pixels, or Z form. Parameters inppix Points to the address of the pixel map that contains the address of the data area to be converted. outpix Points to the address of the pixel map that contains the address of where to put the converted data. Both the inppix and outpix parameters contain the address of a pixel map. The fields of each pixel map must be completely initialized before calling this subroutine. Both pixel maps must point to data areas that reside in system memory, not in a display adapter frame buffer. The inppix and outpix pixel maps do not have to specify the same number of bits per pixel. If there are more input bits per pixel, the least significant bits are truncated. If there are less input bits per pixel than required to fill out the destination, the most significant bits are filled with zeros. Processed November 7, 1990 GSXCNV(3g,L) 1 GSXCNV(3g,L) AIX Technical Reference GSXCNV(3g,L) The gsxcnv subroutine only supports pixel maps defined to have 8 bits per pixel or less. If a pixel format pixel map is defined with less than 8 bits per pixel, the data must be arranged 1 byte per pixel, right justified in that byte. The widths and heights of the two data areas must be identical. Warning: The calling process must allocate enough storage in the area pointed to by the outpix pixel map to contain all of the converted data. For pixel-oriented data, a buffer of height * width/4 integers is sufficient. For plane-oriented data, a buffer of ((height * width)/32+1) * bits_per_pix integers is sufficient. RETURN VALUE GS_SUCC Successful. GS_INPF Invalid data format specified in inppix pixel map structure. GS_OUTF Invalid data format specified in outpix pixel map structure. GS_BMAX Pixel map defines data of more than 8 bits per pixel. RELATED INFORMATION In this book: "gsxblt." Processed November 7, 1990 GSXCNV(3g,L) 2