GSXTXT(3g,L) AIX Technical Reference GSXTXT(3g,L) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- gsxtxt PURPOSE Writes annotated text using the rtfont format. C SYNTAX int gsxtxt_ (x, y, number, text) int *x, *y, *number; char *text; FORTRAN SYNTAX INTEGER function gsxtxt (x, y, number, text) INTEGER x, y, number CHARACTER*n text PASCAL SYNTAX FUNCTION gsxtxt_ ( VAR x, y, number: INTEGER; VAR text: ARRAY [1..k] of CHAR ): INTEGER [PUBLIC]; DESCRIPTION The gsxtxt subroutine displays the specified text string using the rtfont format. Only those full or partial characters that fall within the clip box specified by the gsxtat subroutine are displayed. In addition, since there is no default rtfont defined for use by the GSL, the gsxtat subroutine must be called to set all relevant attributes before the first call to this subroutine. The relevant attributes are: o xtext foreground color o xtext background color o xtext logical operation o xtext clip box o xtext current rtfont file o plane mask o color map. Parameters Processed November 7, 1990 GSXTXT(3g,L) 1 GSXTXT(3g,L) AIX Technical Reference GSXTXT(3g,L) x, y Define the baseline position for writing the text. number Indicates the number of bytes to write from the text string. text Contains the ASCII codes for the characters to write, as an array. For Pascal, the application must declare the array passed as being fixed length and declare the routine as accepting an array of that length; the k in the routine declaration must be a constant. RETURN VALUE GS_SUCC Successful. Since the text is either displayed or clipped in any case, the gsxtxt subroutine always completes with a successful return code. FILE /usr/include/rtfont.h RELATED INFORMATION In this book: "fonts" and "gsxtat." Processed November 7, 1990 GSXTXT(3g,L) 2