PROBER(8t,C) AIX Commands Reference PROBER(8t,C) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- prober PURPOSE Asynchronous probe daemon. SYNTAX +------------+ prober ---| |---| +- interval -+ DESCRIPTION At regular intervals, the prober command issues a probe to sites believed to be up. The result is to determine whether any of the sites believed to be in the current partition have gone down. Generally normal activity to a site would detect the site failure but under some conditions a site might not be actively involved and therefore artificial traffic is necessary to detect a failure. The interval is the optional argument (in seconds) and will default to 60 if not specified. The prober command disconnects itself from the invoking shell by doing an internal fork before starting its main activity. This is not intended to be used by anyone other than the system administrator. RELATED INFORMATION See the following command: "probe." Processed November 8, 1990 PROBER(8t,C) 1