RRESTORE(8c,C) AIX Commands Reference RRESTORE(8c,C) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- rrestore PURPOSE Restores a file system dump across the network. SYNTAX +----------+ rrestore ---| one of |--- f machine:device ---> | +------+ | +-| r + |-+ | R i | | x | +------+ +------------------+ +----------------+ >---| +--------------+ |---| |---| +-| r |-+ A +--- filename ---+ | A| F input_file || +--------------------+ || y || || m || || h || || b || || c || || d || || s || |+--------------+| +----------------+ DESCRIPTION The rrestore command obtains from a magnetic tape or specified device files saved by a previous rdump or dumpbsd. The command is identical in operation to restorebsd except the f should be specified in the key and the argument supplied should be of the form machine:device. You must have a ~/.rhosts or /etc/hosts.equiv file (see the AIX TCP/IP User's Guide) containing the machine name for the rrestore command to work. The rrestore command creates a remote server on the client machine to access the tape device. FILES ~/.rhosts list of machines which can be accessed using rrestore /etc/hosts.equiv list of machines which can be accessed using rrestore Processed May 9, 1991 RRESTORE(8c,C) 1 RRESTORE(8c,C) AIX Commands Reference RRESTORE(8c,C) The above files are also used for other commands, such as rsh, rlogin, rdump, and rcp. RELATED INFORMATION See the following commands: "restorebsd," "rmt," "rdump," and "dumpbsd." In the AIX TCP/IP User's Guide, see ".rhosts" and "hosts.equiv." Processed May 9, 1991 RRESTORE(8c,C) 2