TALKD(8c,C) AIX TCP/IP User's Guide TALKD(8c,C) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- talkd PURPOSE Provides the server function for the talk command. SYNTAX +------+ /etc/talkd ---| |---| +- -d -+ DESCRIPTION The talkd command is the server that notifies a user (the callee) that someone else (the caller) wants to initiate a conversation and sets up the conversation if the callee accepts the invitation. The caller initiates the conversation by executing the talk command specifying the callee. The callee accepts the invitation by executing the talk command specifying the caller. The talkd command listens at the socket defined in the /etc/services file with an entry beginning with "ntalk". This server is normally started by the inetd server. When talkd receives a LOOK_UP request from a local or remote talk process, talkd scans its internal invitation table for an entry matching the client with a caller. If such a table entry exists, the client is the callee and talkd returns the appropriate rendezvous address to the talk process for the callee. The callee process then establishes a stream connection with the caller process. If no such entry exists, the client is the caller and the client sends an ANNOUNCE request. When talkd receives the ANNOUNCE request, talkd broadcasts an invitation on the console of the foreign host where callee is logged in unless the caller specifies a particular TTY. At approximately 1 minute intervals, talkd rebroadcasts the invitation until either the invitation is answered by the callee or the call is canceled by the caller. Note: talkd uses the talk 4.3BSD protocol, which is not compatible with 4.3BSD versions of talk. FLAGS -d Displays debugging information. FILES Processed October 29, 1990 TALKD(8c,C) 1 TALKD(8c,C) AIX TCP/IP User's Guide TALKD(8c,C) /etc/services Defines Internet socket assignments. /etc/utmp Contains data users currently logged in. RELATED INFORMATION In this book: "talk" "inetd" "rc.tcpip, rc.tcpip.local" Processed October 29, 1990 TALKD(8c,C) 2