UUCLEANUP(8c,C) AIX Commands Reference UUCLEANUP(8c,C) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- uucleanup PURPOSE Deletes selected files older than a specified number of days from the BNU spool directory or a named directory. SYNTAX +-----------+ +-------------| |--------+ | +- -C time -+ | +-----------+ uucleanup ---| |---| |---> | +----------------------------+ | +- -D time -+ +---| +-------------+ |-+ +- -W time --| |-+ +- -m string -+ +-----------+ +-----------+ +-------------+ +-------------+ >---| |---| |---| |---| |---| +- -X time -+ +- -o time -+ +- -s system -+ +-- -T time --+ DESCRIPTION The Basic Networking Utilities (BNU) program uucleanup scans the spool directory (/usr/spool/uucp) for old files and takes appropriate action to remove them in a useful way. Used primarily by the BNU program administrator, uucleanup performs the following tasks: o Informs the requester of send/receive requests for systems that cannot be reached o Warns users about requests that have been waiting for a given number of days; the default is 1 day o Returns mail that cannot be delivered to the sender o Removes all other files older than a specified number of days from the spool directory. The uucleanup program is started by the shell uudemon.cleanup, located in /usr/adm/uucp, which in turn is started by the cron script, located in /usr/spool/cron/crontabs/uucp. In general, uucleanup is executed automatically. You can also start the uucleanup program manually if you have superuser privileges. Processed July 12, 1991 UUCLEANUP(8c,C) 1 UUCLEANUP(8c,C) AIX Commands Reference UUCLEANUP(8c,C) Note: When BNU is installed, automatic cleanup is not enabled. Edit the file /usr/spool/cron/crontabs/uucp and remove the comment character # from the beginning of the uudemon.cleanup line. FLAGS -Ctime Removes any C.* (command) files as old as, or older than, the number of days specified in time, and sends appropriate information to the requester. Unless specified otherwise, the default time is 7 days. -Dtime Removes any D.* (data) files as old as, or older than, the number of days specified in time. Also attempts to deliver any remaining mail messages. The default time is 7 days. -Ttime Removes any T.* (temporary) files as old as, or older than, the number of days specified in time. Also attempts to deliver any remaining mail messages. The default time is 7 days. -Wtime Sends a mail message to the requester warning that C. files as old as, or older than, the number of days specified in time are still in the spool directory. The message includes the job ID and, in the case of mail, the mail message. The administrator may use the -m option to include a message line telling whom to call to check the problem. The default time is 1 day. -Xtime Removes any X.* (execute) files as old as, or older than, the number of days specified in time. The default time is 2 days. Note: There are probably no related data files. If any related data files remain, however, they are handled by D.* processing, as described above. -mstring Includes a specified line of text in the warning message generated by the -Wtime option. The default line is: "See your local administrator to locate the problem". -otime Removes other files as old as, or older than, the number of days specified in time. The default time is 2 days. -ssystem Executes uucleanup only on the spool directory specified by system The default is to clean up all BNU spool directories. Note: Unless one of the time flags is set to a specific number of days, uucleanup uses the default times values. Processed July 12, 1991 UUCLEANUP(8c,C) 2 UUCLEANUP(8c,C) AIX Commands Reference UUCLEANUP(8c,C) FILES /etc/cron Command that starts uudemon.cleanup. /usr/adm/uucp Directory with commands used internally by uucleanup. /usr/spool/cron/crontabs/uucp File that tells cron to start uucp-related daemons, including uudemon.cleanup. /usr/spool/uucp Spooling directory. RELATED INFORMATION See the following commands: "cron," "uucp," and "uux." See the chapter on basic networking utilities in Managing the AIX Operating System. See Chapter 18 of the AIX Programming Tools and Interfaces for general information on using commands in an MBCS environment. Processed July 12, 1991 UUCLEANUP(8c,C) 3