UUSCHED(8c,C) AIX Commands Reference UUSCHED(8c,C) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- uusched PURPOSE Schedules work for the BNU file transport program. SYNTAX +------------------+ +------------------+ uusched ---| |---| |---| +- -u debug-level -+ +- -x debug-level -+ DESCRIPTION The uusched program is the Basic Networking Utilities (BNU) file-transport scheduler. It is one of the BNU daemons (a program executed internally to handle file transfers and command executions). The uusched daemon schedules the transfer of files that are queued in the /usr/spool/uucp directory. The scheduling program first randomizes the work and then starts the uucico daemon with the -s option. This option specifies the computer for which the particular job is scheduled. The uusched program itself is usually started by the shell uudemon.hour, which is started from /usr/spool/cron/crontabs/uucp, which is, in turn, started by cron. FLAGS -udebug_level Passes as -xdebug_level to uucico. The debug_level is a number from 0 to 9. Higher numbers give more detailed debugging information, which is displayed on the screen of the local system. -xdebug_level Outputs debugging messages from uusched. The debug_level is a number from 0 to 9. Higher numbers give more detailed debugging information. FILES /etc/locks/LCK* Prevents multiple use of device. /usr/adm/uucp/Devices Information about available devices. /usr/adm/uucp/Dialcodes Dialing code abbreviations. /usr/adm/uucp/Dialers Initial handshaking on a link. /usr/adm/uucp/Permissions Access permission codes. Processed July 12, 1991 UUSCHED(8c,C) 1 UUSCHED(8c,C) AIX Commands Reference UUSCHED(8c,C) /usr/adm/uucp/Systems Accessible remote systems. /usr/spool/cron/crontabs/uucp Contains uudemon.cleanup. /usr/spool/uucp/* Spooling directory. /usr/spool/uucppublic/* Public directory. RELATED INFORMATION See the following commands: "cron," "uucico," "uucp," "uustat," and "uux." See Chapter 18 of the AIX Programming Tools and Interfaces for general information on using commands in an MBCS environment. Processed July 12, 1991 UUSCHED(8c,C) 2