uutry, Uutry, uukick, Nutry(8c,C) uutry, Uutry, uukick, Nutry(8c,C) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- uutry, Uutry, uukick, Nutry PURPOSE Contacts a remote system with debugging turned on. SYNTAX +-------+ | Uutry | +------------------+ +------+ | uutry |---| |---| |-- system-name --| | Nutry | +- -x debug-level -+ +- -r -+ +-------+ +------------------+ uukick ---| |-- system-name --| +- -x debug-level -+ DESCRIPTION The uutry command contacts a specified system with debugging turned on, thus providing a means of checking call processing capabilities with debugging output. This command invokes the uucico program, which in turn establishes the actual connection to the remote system. The debugging output (information about the progress of uucico in establishing the connection, performing the remote login, and so on) is scrolled on the screen of the local system. Once the system has finished displaying this information, use INTERRUPT (Ctrl-D) to return to the prompt. Because the debugging information scrolls rapidly, you may want to direct that output to a file by issuing Uutry rather than uutry. nutry works like Uutry except that it does not look for uucico in the current directory. The Uutry command (note the uppercase "U") works almost exactly like uutry, with one exception. In addition to displaying the debugging output on the screen, Uutry also directs this information to a file named /tmp/system_name. Again, when the last of the output has been displayed, use INTERRUPT to return to the prompt. Note: You can also press INTERRUPT while the system is scrolling the output generated by Uutry. This returns you to the prompt, while the uucico program continues to place the debugging information in /tmp/system_name. Use the pg command to examine this file. Processed Nov. 8, 1990 uutry, Uutry, uukick, Nutry(8c,C) 1 uutry, Uutry, uukick, Nutry(8c,C) uutry, Uutry, uukick, Nutry(8c,C) The uukick command also works just like the uutry command. The only difference between the two commands is that uukick takes only the -xdebug_level flag. You cannot override the retry time with the -rsystem_name flag. FLAGS -xdebug_level Used in debugging to override the default level of 5, and produce a detailed output of the program execution. The debugging level is a single digit between 0 and 9. Higher numbers produce more detailed debugging information, which is displayed on the screen of the local system. -r Overrides the retry time specified in /usr/spool/uucp/.Status. FILES /etc/locks/LCK* Prevents multiple use of device. /tmp/system_name Temporary data file. /usr/adm/uucp/Devices Information about available devices. /usr/adm/uucp/Dialcodes Dialing code abbreviations. /usr/adm/uucp/Dialers Initial handshaking on a link. /usr/adm/uucp/Maxuuscheds Limits scheduled jobs. /usr/adm/uucp/Maxuuxgts Limits remote command executions. /usr/adm/uucp/Permissions Access permission codes. /usr/adm/uucp/Systems Accessible remote systems. /usr/spool/uucp/* Spooling directory. /usr/spool/uucppublic/* Public directory. RELATED INFORMATION See the following commands: "uucico," "uucp," and "uux." See the chapter on basic networking utilities in Managing the AIX Operating System. Processed Nov. 8, 1990 uutry, Uutry, uukick, Nutry(8c,C) 2