MUNCHER(1) AIX MUNCHER(1) NAME muncher - draw interesting patterns in an X window SYNOPSIS mmmmuuuunnnncccchhhheeeerrrr [-option ...] OPTIONS ----rrrr display in the root window ----ssss _s_e_e_d seed the random number seed ----vvvv run in verbose mode ----qqqq run in quite mode ----ggggeeeeoooommmmeeeettttrrrryyyy _g_e_o_m_e_t_r_y define the initial window geometry; see _X(_1). ----ddddiiiissssppppllllaaaayyyy _d_i_s_p_l_a_y specify the display to use; see _X(_1). DESCRIPTION _M_u_n_c_h_e_r draws some interesting patterns in a window. SEE ALSO X(1) BUGS There are no known bugs. There are lots of lacking features. COPYRIGHT Copyright 1988, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. See _X(_1) for a full statement of rights and permissions. Rev. 1 March 1988 Page 1