RESIZE(1) AIX RESIZE(1) NAME resize - utility to set TERMCAP and terminal settings to current window size SYNOPSIS rrrreeeessssiiiizzzzeeee [-u] [-s [row col]] DESCRIPTION _R_e_s_i_z_e prints a shell command for setting the TERM and TERMCAP environment variables to indicate the current size of _x_t_e_r_m window from which the command is run. For this output to take effect, _r_e_s_i_z_e must either be evaluated as part of the command line (usually done with a shell alias or function) or else redirected to a file which can then be read in. From the C shell (usually known as /_b_i_n/_c_s_h), the following alias could be defined in the user's ._c_s_h_r_c: % alias rs 'set noglob; `eval resize`' After resizing the window, the user would type: % rs Users of versions of the Bourne shell (usually known as /_b_i_n/_s_h) that don't have command functions will need to send the output to a temporary file and the read it back in with the ``.'' command: $ resize >/tmp/out $ . /tmp/out OPTIONS The following options may be used with _r_e_s_i_z_e: ----uuuu This option indicates that Bourne shell commands should be generated even if the user's current shell isn't /_b_i_n/_s_h. ----cccc This option indicates that C shell commands should be generated even if the user's current shell isn't /_b_i_n/_c_s_h. ----ssss [_r_o_w_s _c_o_l_u_m_n_s] This option indicates that that Sun console escape sequences will be used instead of the special _x_t_e_r_m escape code. If _r_o_w_s and _c_o_l_u_m_n_s are given, _r_e_s_i_z_e will ask the _x_t_e_r_m to resize itself. However, the window manager may choose to disallow the change. FILES /etc/termcap for the base termcap entry to modify. ~/.cshrc user's alias for the command. Rev. Release 5 Page 1 RESIZE(1) AIX RESIZE(1) SEE ALSO csh(1), tset(1), xterm(1) AUTHORS Mark Vandevoorde (MIT-Athena), Edward Moy (Berkeley) Copyright (c) 1984, 1985 by Massachusetts Institute of Tech- nology. See _X(1) for a complete copyright notice. BUGS The -_u or -_c must appear to the left of -_s if both are specified. There should be some global notion of display size; termcap and terminfo need to be rethought in the context of window systems. (Fixed in 4.3BSD, and Ultrix-32 1.2) Rev. Release 5 Page 2