XEDIT(1) AIX XEDIT(1) NAME xedit - simple text editor for X SYNTAX xxxxeeeeddddiiiitttt [ -_t_o_o_l_k_i_t_o_p_t_i_o_n ... ] [ _f_i_l_e_n_a_m_e ] DESCRIPTION _X_e_d_i_t provides a window consisting of the following four areas: Commands Section A set of commands that allow you to exit _x_e_d_i_t, save the file, or load a new file into the edit window. Message Window Displays _x_e_d_i_t messages. In addi- tion, this window can be used as a scratch pad. Filename Display Displays the name of the file currently being edited, and whether this file is _R_e_a_d-_W_r_i_t_e or _R_e_a_d _O_n_l_y. Edit Window Displays the text of the file that you are editing or creating. OPTIONS _X_e_d_i_t accepts all of the standard X Toolkit command line options (see _X(1)). The order of the command line options is not important. _f_i_l_e_n_a_m_e Specifies the file that is to be loaded during start-up. This is the file which will be edited. If a file is not specified, _x_e_d_i_t lets you load a file or create a new file after it has started up. EDITING The Athena Text widget is used for the three sections of this application that allow text input. The characters typed will go to the Text widget that the pointer cursor is currently over. If the pointer cursor is not over a text widget then the keypresses will have no effect on the appli- cation. This is also true for the special key sequences that popup dialog widgets, so typing Control-S in the filename widget will enable searching in that widget, not the edit widget. Both the message window and the edit window will create a scrollbar if the text to display is too large to fit in that window. Horizontal scrolling is not allowed by default, but can be turned on through the Text widget's resources, see _A_t_h_e_n_a _W_i_d_g_e_t _S_e_t for the exact resource definition. Rev. Release 5 Page 1 XEDIT(1) AIX XEDIT(1) The following keystroke combinations are defined: Ctrl-a Beginning Of Line Meta-b Backward Word Ctrl-b Backward Character Meta-f Forward Word Ctrl-d Delete Next Character Meta-iInsert File Ctrl-e End Of Line Meta-k Kill To End Of Paragraph Ctrl-f Forward Character Meta-q Form Paragraph Ctrl-g Multiply Reset Meta-v Previous Page Ctrl-h Delete Previous Character Meta-yInsert Current Selection Ctrl-j Newline And Indent Meta-z Scroll One Line Down Ctrl-k Kill To End Of Line Meta-d Delete Next Word Ctrl-l Redraw Display Meta-D Kill Word Ctrl-m Newline Meta-h Delete Previous Word Ctrl-n Next Line Meta-H Backward Kill Word Ctrl-o Newline And Backup Meta-< Beginning Of File Ctrl-p Previous Line Meta-> End Of File Ctrl-r Search/Replace Backward Meta-]Forward Paragraph Ctrl-s Search/Replace Forward Meta-[Backward Paragraph Ctrl-t Transpose Characters Ctrl-u Multiply by 4 Meta-Delete Delete Previous Word Ctrl-v Next Page Meta-Shift DeleteKill Previous Word Ctrl-w Kill Selection Meta-Backspace Delete Previous Word Ctrl-y Unkill Meta-Shift BackspaceKill Previous Word Ctrl-z Scroll One Line Up In addition, the pointer may be used to cut and paste text: Button 1 Down Start Selection Button 1 MotionAdjust Selection Button 1 Up End Selection (cut) Button 2 Down Insert Current Selection (paste) Button 3 Down Extend Current Selection Button 3 MotionAdjust Selection Button 3 Up End Selection (cut) COMMANDS Quit Quits the current editing session. If any changes have not been saved, _x_e_d_i_t displays a warning mes- sage, allowing the user to save the file. Save If file backups are enabled (see RESOURCES, below) _x_e_d_i_t stores a copy of the original, unedited file in _f_i_l_e, then overwrites the _f_i_l_e with the contents of the edit window. The filename is retrieved from the Text widget directly to the right of the _L_o_a_d button. Load Loads the file named in the text widget immediately to the right of the this button and displays it in the Edit window. If the currently displayed file has been modified a warning message will ask the Rev. Release 5 Page 2 XEDIT(1) AIX XEDIT(1) user to save the changes, or press _L_o_a_d again. RESOURCES For _x_e_d_i_t the available resources are: eeeennnnaaaabbbblllleeeeBBBBaaaacccckkkkuuuuppppssss ((((Class EEEEnnnnaaaabbbblllleeeeBBBBaaaacccckkkkuuuuppppssss)))) Specifies that, when edits made to an existing file are saved, _x_e_d_i_t is to copy the original version of that file to _f_i_l_e before it saves the changes. The default value for this resource is ``off,'' stating that no backups should be created. bbbbaaaacccckkkkuuuuppppNNNNaaaammmmeeeePPPPrrrreeeeffffiiiixxxx ((((Class BBBBaaaacccckkkkuuuuppppNNNNaaaammmmeeeePPPPrrrreeeeffffiiiixxxx)))) Specifies a string that is to be prepended to the backup filename. The default is that no string shall be prepended. bbbbaaaacccckkkkuuuuppppNNNNaaaammmmeeeeSSSSuuuuffffffffiiiixxxx ((((Class BBBBaaaacccckkkkuuuuppppNNNNaaaammmmeeeeSSSSuuuuffffffffiiiixxxx)))) Specifies a string that is to be appended to the backup filename. The default is to use ``.BAK'' as the suffix. WIDGETS In order to specify resources, it is useful to know the hierarchy of the widgets which compose _x_e_d_i_t. In the nota- tion below, indentation indicates hierarchical structure. The widget class name is given first, followed by the widget instance name. Xedit xedit Paned paned Paned buttons Command quit Command save Command load Text filename Label bc_label Text messageWindow Label labelWindow Text editWindow ENVIRONMENT _D_I_S_P_L_A_Y to get the default host and display number. _X_E_N_V_I_R_O_N_M_E_N_T to get the name of a resource file that overrides the global resources stored in the RESOURCE_MANAGER property. FILES /_u_s_r/_l_i_b/_X_1_1/_a_p_p-_d_e_f_a_u_l_t_s/_X_e_d_i_t specifies required resources Rev. Release 5 Page 3 XEDIT(1) AIX XEDIT(1) SEE ALSO _X(1), _x_r_d_b(1), _A_t_h_e_n_a _W_i_d_g_e_t _S_e_t RESTRICTIONS There is no _u_n_d_o function. COPYRIGHT Copyright 1988, Digital Equipment Corporation. Copyright 1989, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. See _X(1) for a full statement of rights and permissions. AUTHOR Chris D. Peterson, MIT X Consortium Rev. Release 5 Page 4