XMAG(1) AIX XMAG(1) NAME xmag - magnify parts of the screen SYNOPSIS xxxxmmmmaaaagggg [ ----mmmmaaaagggg _m_a_g_f_a_c_t_o_r ] [ ----ssssoooouuuurrrrcccceeee _g_e_o_m ] [ -_t_o_o_l_k_i_t_o_p_t_i_o_n ... ] DESCRIPTION The _x_m_a_g program allows you to magnify portions of an X screen. If no explicit region is specified, a square with the pointer in the upper left corner is displayed indicating the area to be enlarged. The area can be dragged out to the desired size by pressing Button 2. Once a region has been selected, a window is popped up showing a blown up version of the region in which each pixel in the source image is represented by a small square of the same color. Pressing Button1 in the enlargement window shows the position and RGB value of the pixel under the pointer until the button is released. Typing ``Q'' or ``^C'' in the enlargement window exits the program. The application has 5 buttons across its top. _C_l_o_s_e deletes this particular magnification instance. _R_e_p_l_a_c_e brings up the rubber band selector again to select another region for this magnification instance. _N_e_w brings up the rubber band selector to create a new magnification instance. _C_u_t puts the magnification image into the primary selection. _P_a_s_t_e copies the primary selection buffer into _x_m_a_g. Note that you can cut and paste between _x_m_a_g and the _b_i_t_m_a_p program. Resizing _x_m_a_g resizes the magnification area. _x_m_a_g preserves the colormap, visual, and window depth of the source. WIDGETS _x_m_a_g uses the X Toolkit and the Athena Widget Set. The mag- nified image is displayed in the Scale widget. For more information, see the Athena Widget Set documentation. Below is the widget structure of the _x_m_a_g application. Indenta- tion indicates hierarchical structure. The widget class name is given first, followed by the widget instance name. Xmag xmag RootWindow root TopLevelShell xmag Paned pane1 Paned pane2 Command close Command replace Command new Command select Command paste Label xmag label Paned pane2 Scale scale OverrideShell pixShell Rev. Release 5 Page 1 XMAG(1) AIX XMAG(1) Label pixLabel OPTIONS ----ssssoooouuuurrrrcccceeee _g_e_o_m This option specifies the size and/or loca- tion of the source region on the screen. By default, a 64x64 square is provided for the user to select an area of the screen. ----mmmmaaaagggg _i_n_t_e_g_e_r This option indicates the magnification to be used. 5 is the default. COPYRIGHT Copyright 1991, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. See _X(1) for a full statement of rights and permissions. AUTHORS Dave Sternlicht and Davor Matic, MIT X Consortium. Rev. Release 5 Page 2