.\"$SCCSID( @(#)xlsatoms.man 1.1 AIX ) Modified: 20:17:35 7/16/92 .TH XLSATOMS 1 "Release 5" "X Version 11" .SH NAME xlsatoms - list interned atoms defined on server .SH SYNOPSIS .B xlsatoms [-options ...] .SH DESCRIPTION .I Xlsatoms lists the interned atoms. By default, all atoms starting from 1 (the lowest atom value defined by the protocol) are listed until unknown atom is found. If an explicit range is given, \fIxlsatoms\fP will try all atoms in the range, regardless of whether or not any are undefined. .SH "OPTIONS" .PP .TP 8 .B \-display \fIdpy\fP This option specifies the X server to which to connect. .TP 8 .B \-format \fIstring\fP This option specifies a \fIprintf\fP-style string used to list each atom \fI\fP pair, printed in that order (\fIvalue\fP is an \fIunsigned long\fP and \fIname\fP is a \fIchar *\fP). \fIXlsatoms\fP will supply a newline at the end of each line. The default is \fI%ld\\t%s\fP. .TP 8 .B \-range \fI[low]-[high]\fP This option specifies the range of atom values to check. If \fIlow\fP is not given, a value of 1 assumed. If \fIhigh\fP is not given, \fIxlsatoms\fP will stop at the first undefined atom at or above \fIlow\fP. .TP 8 .B \-name \fIstring\fP This option specifies the name of an atom to list. If the atom does not exist, a message will be printed on the standard error. .PP .SH "SEE ALSO" X(1), Xserver(1), xprop(1) .SH ENVIRONMENT .TP 8 .B DISPLAY to get the default host and display to use. .SH COPYRIGHT Copyright 1989, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. .br See \fIX(1)\fP for a full statement of rights and permissions. .SH AUTHOR Jim Fulton, MIT X Consortium