; Adapter Description File for the ARTIST 1000i MC Series ; Artist Graphics ; June 10, 1993 ; Version 1.0 AdapterId 080C7H AdapterName "ARTIST 1000i MC Series" NumBytes 3 NamedItem Prompt "PC I/O Address" choice "03EXh & 07EXh" pos[0]=X111110Xb io 03E0h-03EFh 07E0h-07EFh choice "02CXh & 06CXh" pos[0]=X101100Xb io 02C0h-02CFh 06C0h-06CFh choice "02DXh & 06DXh" pos[0]=X101101Xb io 02D0h-02DFh 06D0h-06DFh choice "02EXh & 06EXh" pos[0]=X101110Xb io 02E0h-02EFh 06E0h-06EFh Help "This assignment need only be changed if it is in conflict with another installed adapter. The default I/O address range is 03E0h & 07E0h. Conflicting assignments are marked with an asterisk and must be changed for proper adapter operation. Use the F5=Previous and the F6=Next keys to change your selection. " NamedItem Prompt "PC Memory Address - Below 1MB" choice "CC00-CFFF" pos[1]=110011X1b mem 0CC000h-0CFFFFh choice "C800-CBFF" pos[1]=110010X1b mem 0C8000h-0CBFFFh choice "D000-D3FF" pos[1]=110100X1b mem 0D0000h-0D3FFFh choice "D400-D7FF" pos[1]=110101X1b mem 0D4000h-0D7FFFh choice "D800-DBFF" pos[1]=110110X1b mem 0D8000h-0DBFFFh choice "DC00-DFFF" pos[1]=110111X1b mem 0DC000h-0DFFFFh choice "Disabled" pos[1]=000000X0b Help "The default PC memory address is 0xCC00. This 16 Kbyte block in PC memory maps into two 8 Kbyte windows in the GPX memory space. These 8 Kbyte windows can each be mapped to start at any 8 Kbyte boundary in the GPX memory space. By using the system configuration utility to configure memory usage, the user is assured of a non-conflicting selection. If the PC memory address is configured or disabled, the software you are using with the ARTIST 1000i MC Series graphic accelerator will use the default. Conflicting assignments are marked with an asterisk and must be changed for proper operation. Use the F5=Previous and the F6=Next keys to change your selection." NamedItem Prompt "Data Bus Sizing" choice "32 Bits" pos[1]=XXXXXX1Xb choice "16 Bits" pos[1]=XXXXXX0Xb Help "The ARTIST 1000i MC Series graphic accelerator can be configured to operate in a 16 bit or 32 bit Microchannel card slot. Use the F5=Previous and the F6=Next keys to change your selection." NamedItem Prompt "Interrupt Level" choice "Disabled" pos[2]=XXXX000Xb choice "IRQ 5" pos[2]=XXXX001Xb int 5 choice "IRQ 7" pos[2]=XXXX010Xb int 7 choice "IRQ 10" pos[2]=XXXX011Xb int 10 choice "IRQ 11" pos[2]=XXXX100Xb int 11 Help "The ARTIST 1000i MC Series graphic accelerator can be configured to use Interrupt 5, 7, 10, 11 or interrupts may be disabled. The default is interrupts disabled. Use the F5=Previous and the F6=Next keys to change your selection." NamedItem Prompt "PC Memory Address - Above 1MB" choice "Disabled" pos[2]=000XXXX0b choice "2MB - 4MB" pos[2]=001XXXX1b mem 0200000h-03FFFFFh choice "4MB - 6MB" pos[2]=010XXXX1b mem 0400000h-05FFFFFh choice "6MB - 8MB" pos[2]=011XXXX1b mem 0600000h-07FFFFFh choice "8MB - 10MB" pos[2]=100XXXX1b mem 0800000h-09FFFFFh choice "10MB - 12MB" pos[2]=101XXXX1b mem 0A00000h-0BFFFFFh choice "12MB - 14MB" pos[2]=110XXXX1b mem 0C00000h-0DFFFFFh choice "14MB - 16MB" pos[2]=111XXXX1b mem 0E00000h-0FFFFFFh Help "A PC memory address above 1MB should only be used for UNIX systems. The default is decoding above 1MB is disabled. Use the F5=Previous and the F6=Next keys to change your selection."